Before starting Hatha Yoga, we should know about the concept, meaning, and purpose of Yoga. From various ancient scriptures and tales from various Yogis, it is learned that Yoga is the unification of body, mind, and soul. Even in the Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Krishna advised his disciple Arjuna; “tapasvibhyodhiko yogi jnanibhyopi mato dhikaha karmibhyashchadhiko yogi tasmad yogi bhavarjuna” Why Lord Krishna is advising his disciple to be a Yogi? If we analyze the above verse, we can come to a conclusion that the Yogi is superior to those who perform austerity, knowledge, and any action. Therefore, Lord Krishna advised us through his disciple Arjuna “Tasmad Yogi Vhavarjuna”. This means you become a Yogi.